Thursday, July 5, 2012

positive Affirmations for Weight Loss Success

Postive Affirmations are essential when you want to lose weight.

They focus your attention on empowering your mind to acheive whatever goal you want to acheive.

In this case it's losing ugly fat around the body.

Here are some positve affirmations that will help you do that.

When this resistance comes up use one of the following affirmations:
  • I am willing to change.
  • I can do this.
  • I have the power to change my life.
  • Yes, I can!

Affirmations are powerful to use when you are going into situations that cause you to overeat. If you’re at a restaurant or party where you are tempted by the food you can repeatedly say one of the following affirmations:
  • I eat only what I need.
  • I choose to eat healthy foods.
  • I choose to stay on track.
  • I am committed to my goals.
  • I effortlessly stay on track.
  • I eat foods that support my new weight.
  • I eat like a thin person.

Using affirmations will help you to begin self-nurturing yourself. If you beat yourself up about your weight, or if you say negative things about your body, use affirmations instead. If when looking in the mirror you say things like, “You have such thunder thighs." "Look at that cellulite." "I hate my butt, stomach, body, etc.” Choose to say positive affirmations like this:
  • Thank you for serving me.
  • I am getting stronger and slimmer every day.
  • I treat my body with love and kindness.
  • My body is the temple of my spirit.

affirmations copied from:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

the quickest way to lose weight period

I'm always looking for even faster ways to lose weight. Theoretically the best way to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time is to stop eating altogether for long periods of time. But we dont want you to starve yourself so we have to consider another method. In order to lose weight at a fast rate you need to speed up the rate at which your body burns fat cells or adipose tissue (look it up). And your body needs to clean all of the waste it has in it's fat cells out.Waste is stored in every cell of your body but it's also stored in the colon, liver, kidney's, bloddstream and in many other vital organs in the body (we even store waste in the brain). So all of that waste has to be cleaned out. Another way you can start losing weight fast is to get as much nutrition in your body as you can handle. The two things you should consume more than anything else is herbs that are HIGH in FIBER and herbs that are HIGH in PROTEIN. Oh yeah and get hebs that suppress your appetitie and consume BOATLOADS of these herbs no matter what! This will reduce calories dramatically. And you will see the weight fall off and you'll start to use the bathroom more so you can start cleaning all those toxins out more (as i spoke about before). Also working out will help. We want you to work out but it's not necessay. If you do decide to work out i recommend bikram yoga (or HOT yoga). This way you tone your muscles, replacing muscle tissue with fat tissue, and you lose toxins at the same time (because you sweat some out and later you poop others out). It's a great excersise that every over sized black person should do. Hope this helps

Friday, June 22, 2012

How hormones in your fat cells cause you to lose weight

this is a video by a guy named Sean Croxton who's studied why the body stores excess fat in places we dont want that fat to go and he talks about how a hormone called Leptin can either cause you to gain more fat or lose more fat.

Basically leptin is a hormone that is secreted from the fat cells in your body. It sends messages to your brain telling it to increase or decrease your metabolism or to increase or decrease hunger. The more leptin cells in the blood stream going to the brain the more your body wants to INCREASE your metabolism and DECREASE your hunger. Your fat cells secrete lots of leptin when you have too much excess fat around the body. When you have too little fat cells leptin cells tell your body to DECREASE metabolim (the rate at which you burn fat) and INCREASE hunger (so you can have more motivation to seek food). I'll talkmore about this on my show. Hope you learn something.

Friday, June 8, 2012

You Need a support system to lose weight!

This young lady has been keeping a video piece of her weight loss journey for a couple years. I think this would be good for you. If you join a weight loss support group or post videos of everything you do concerning your weight loss you are more likely to lose weight. Posting your video's of your weight loss journey is good because you will have many people who come by and see your video's and most of them will give you positive, encouraging comments. If you go to sites like youtube you will see literally thousands of people who have lost a lot of weight in their lives and have kept it off. It's possible keep up the good fight i hope this site helps.

Monday, June 4, 2012

4 incredible stories of weight loss success

this woman lost 90 pounds in a little over a year

this young lady talked about how she lost 30 pounds in 30 days

Gentleman talks about how he lost over 200 pounds with his juice diet

Natural healer talks about how he helped his brother to lose over 200 pounds in a year! Crazy story.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Good video on the emotional reasons why we overeat

We eat for emotional reasons and many of aren't aware of this fact.

Many of us like sugar because we associate sugar with nice things like when we were good in school we got sugar.

On our birthdays we got sugar.

At christmas we got sugar.

On this friday show ill talk about other emotional reasons why we eat and what we can do about it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First show was a success. Feel like this will help a lot of people.

I finally found out how to work the blog talk radio device so now the show is officially up and running for all to listen to. You can also listen to old shows right here on this site and if you have any questions you can call me directly at 443-531-0301 or email me at In the last show i talked about why diets that overweight people tend to go on fail in the long run. I talked about why people get fat and the main reasons why are people are addicted to foods. I talked about how i first learned this information and i talked in more detail about what eating bad foods does to the body. We got a lot covered and like i said if you have anything you want to ask me directly or if you want to purchase the "I Need A Plumber" colon cleanser at any time let me know at 443-531-0301 or email me at Keep listening.